Chicory Late Season

Chicory varieties for the late season

The chicory varieties for use in the late season are shown below. These varieties need the longest growth period, preferably 160-170 days, and the chicory roots in the field are generally lifted at the end of the growing season. Chicory roots from these varieties are suitable for extremely long storage and, depending on the variety and the root properties, usually need at least four to six months cold storage to produce high-quality chicory heads.

Chicory Lady Marie

Lady Marie (OK-8373) is a late segment variety with good and uniform root production. Lady Marie requires 170-180 growing days to produce sufficient reserve substances. This means that usually no harvest will take place before 10 November.
Lady Marie is insensitive to herbicides from the sulfonyl-urea group. The sulfonylurea resistance makes the weed control more reliable because full dosage can be used in this variety even in the rise and germination stages. Sulfonylurea herbicides have a good effect on problem weeds from the family of composites and the crucifers. The effect is very good against common weeds such as chamomile, ragwort, small ragwort, redshank, cleavers, shepherd’s purse and black nightshade.

Easily controllable

Lady Marie is a very uniform variety. The optimal forcing period runs from April to the end of the season. The shiny heads are shorter than those of Vintor. The leaves extend well to the top and the variety is characterized by a short pith. In the forcing room, the easy controllability of this variety is a striking feature. Compared to the standard varieties, Lady Marie requires slightly higher forcing temperatures. After harvesting the heads, we see in various storage trials a very good shelf life of the chicory head.

  • Witlof Lady Marie
  • Witlof Lady Marie
  • Witlof Lady Marie

Click on the icon to download the Lady Marie leaflet.

Download here the full information about sulfonylurea resistance.

Key figures for Lady Marie witloof chicory
Forcing periodend of mid seasonlate
Sowing period *normalnormal
Quantity of seed/ha280-300.000290-310.000
Optimum number of plants/ha250-260.000250-270.000
Growing days170170+
Cold storage period (roots)4-6 months6-12 months
Cold storage temperature (roots)-1 °C.-1 °C.

The above figures should be interpreted as trends and depend on regional growing and operating conditions.
* The minimum 24-hour temperature for sowing is 12 °C. Avoid night frost.

Chicosem is part of the Chico-group. Chicosem supplies chicory witloof seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.


    Julianastraat 4A
6065AM Montfort
   +31 (0) 475 549 004
   Kvk: 14098765


Chicosem is part of the Chico-group. Chicosem supplies chicory witloof seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.


    Julianastraat 4A
6065AM Montfort
   +31 (0) 475 549 004
   Kvk: 14098765