a wide range for the early to late season
Variety development is vital if the chicory sector is to continue to meet changing and increasingly differentiated demand. Growers want reliable and high-yield witloof chicory varieties and seed. This means searching for (red) chicory varieties with good disease resistance, easy workability, and a long storage life. Increasing differentiation in head forms and head types is also required, depending on the target market. The range of Chicosem witloof chicory varieties and seeds is, therefore, diverse – there’s no one-fits-all variety.
Chicosem is launching the Hoquet witloof chicory seed programme to meet these requirements and to offer various options per market segment. Vintor has been a reliable late season standard for decades, and the increased burden of disease in recent years has ensured that this highly dependable variety is now stronger on the market than ever. The First Lady variety has high production potential without deformity and Fakir is the standard in the top-quality segment. For early forcing, The latest addition is the stunning deep red chicory Céralie. The red chicory variety, Céralie, can be found under ‘early season’ varieties.
Chicory varieties
Overview of Chicosem chicory hybrids and specific variety information
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Chicory seeds
Seed specifications, product specifications and storage advice
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Chicosem is part of the Chico-group. Chicosem supplies chicory witloof seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.
Julianastraat 4A
6065AM Montfort
+31 (0) 475 549 004
Kvk: 14098765

Chicosem is part of the Chico-group. Chicosem supplies chicory witloof seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.
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