Chicory varieties for the early season
The chicory witloof varieties and the red chicory variety Céralie for use in the early season are shown below. These varieties need a growth period of 130-150 days in the field. Moreover, after lifting, these varieties should be left to mature for a few weeks during the chicory root cold storage. In the forcing period, these varieties need a somewhat higher temperature (18-20°C) so that they can form a firm head. The forcing temperature for the red chicory variety Ceralie is somewhat lower than the witloof chicory varieties in the same period. By varying the sowing date, and so the harvest date of the roots, these early season varieties can cover approximately the first 3-4 months of the forcing-season.

Chicosem is part of the Chico-group. Chicosem supplies chicory witloof seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.
Julianastraat 4A
6065AM Montfort
+31 (0) 475 549 004
Kvk: 14098765

Chicosem is part of the Chico-group. Chicosem supplies chicory witloof seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.
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